The Franciscan Foundation prefers to tithe to Franciscan projects not already well funded and not having much prospect of finding other funding opportunities. Projects where recipients are finding some funding through their own funds or will raise matching funds are preferred. The Foundation is not in a position to send tithing funds to large or on-going projects.

Is our organization eligible to apply for a grant?

The Franciscan Foundation accepts grant proposals for projects undertaken or sponsored by Sisters and Friars of the three Orders, or from Franciscan organizations underneath their umbrellas.

How can our organization apply for a grant?

Write or email the Foundation’s Secretary for an application form. After January 1, 2014, the application process will be available online, as well as in paper form.

When can our organization request an application package?

Applications may be requested at any time. All applications received on or before July 1 will be eligible for the current year processing. Applications received after the due date will only be considered for the following year.

Do we have to request a new application package each time we want to apply?

Yes. If a request has been denied, a new application must be filed. Given the number of applications and the limited funds available, successful grant requests are not usually renewed the following year.

May we generate an application form using our computer in place of the hard copy version?

The online version of the application will be available beginning January 1, 2014.

What are the deadlines for submission of proposals?

The deadline is July 1 of each year.

Are there any fields of activity for which the Foundation will not accept applications?

Anything other than Franciscan.

How will we know if you have received our completed application and supporting documentation?

The Secretary will send you an acknowledgment note through e-mail.

What is a Narrative?

A narrative should provide a clear, detailed explanation of the project. It should include its goals, the plan for achieving those goals, and the criteria for determining the success of the project. We prefer that it not exceed two (2) pages.

What is a Budget?

A budget is a detailed breakdown of the cost elements and sources of income of the program/project for which funds are being requested. The requested Franciscan Foundation grant should be included among the income items.

What is a Financial Statement?

A financial statement is the latest official 12-month accounting of the organization. It should list the organization’s Statement of Financial Position (*assets/ liabilities), and Statement of Activities (*income/expenses). This can best be provided by sending the latest 12-month audited financial statements, including all notes to financial statements and supporting schedules. If audited statements are not available, the most recent, unaudited in-house statements of the organization will satisfy this requirement.

Assets – Listing or value of current monetary assets (cash—checking/savings, accounts receivable, investment portfolios, scholarship funds, endowment funds, etc.) and fixed assets (buildings, land, furnishings, equipment, vehicles and the like). Liabilities – Monies currently owed or future commitments (accounts payable, mortgages, loans, credit cards, outstanding payroll/benefits, etc.).

Income and the sources of income (tuition, fees, collections, grants, donations, government programs, rentals, dividends, etc.) Expenses – Salaries, transportation, utilities, maintenance/ rent, office supplies, program costs and the like.

Applicants frequently omit their fixed assets. This is required, even if the fixed assets are owned by a parent corporation (parish, diocese, bishop sole, religious order, consolidated health system, etc.). If you don’t have this information on hand or are having a difficult time acquiring it, the insurance value of such fixed assets would satisfy the requirement. If you are a private organization or fund-raising Foundation, making application for a parent organization, the Financial Statements of both organizations are required.

What is the average grant?

Requests for aid far exceed the dollars available. Please see our listings of grants approved for further details about the range and type of grants made by the Foundation.

What are the Foundation’s funding priorities?

The Foundation has no official funding priorities. However, the Franciscan Foundation takes particular interest in projects in which self-help and local support can be demonstrated.

When will we be notified of the Foundation’s decisions?

We notify our applicants as promptly as possible. Funding decisions are made by the Board at our August meeting.

Can we meet with a representative of the Foundation to discuss our proposal?

Meetings or phone conversations with staff of the Foundation may be requested and, if feasible, will be arranged. In some cases, Foundation Board members may request a phone conversation when they are reviewing applications.